Ted Mooney, P.E. RET
- Pine Beach, NJ
The warmLINE (Q&A forum)
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54096. Can gold be reclaimed from old ceramic dishes with gold trim - December 14
61614. Recover Gold from Vintage Italian Murano Gold Infused Lamp open Q. - December 2
42765. Acid testing for gold, silver & precious metals open Q. - October 8
• Extracting gold from copper - August 24
• Refining silver from smithing, plating, mine sludge open Q. - August 18
• How can you tell when gold is pure? - June 30
• Silver refining problem: Removing copper from silver nitrate open Q. - June 25
• Gold Recovery for Dummies? open Q. - June 25
• How can I produce rhodium sulphate in lab? open Q. - March 4
• Acid testing for silver & precious metals open Q. - February 19
• Specific gravity table for gold open Q. - January 16
• Why is broken catalytic converter honeycomb worthless as scrap? open Q. - November 10
• Refining of silver chloride to silver metal open Q. - July 28
• Refining of Palladium and making its salt open Q. - July 16
• How to precipitate gold from HAuCl4 solution open Q. - July 12
• Best and Easiest way to refine gold dust open Q. - April 21
• Extracting Silver From Photographic Fixer open Q. - April 18
• Recovery from AP waste solution open Q. - March 8
• Strip and recover silver from silver plated tableware open Q. - March 8