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Ted Mooney, P.E. RET
- Pine Beach, NJ -- The Home Page of the Finishing Industry

  The authoritative public forum
  for Metal Finishing since 1989


Where to get Training in Electroplating

Q. Dear Sirs, I would like to learn electroplating. Is there is any training institute?

Naveed Merchant
- Pakistan

A. Hello, Naveed. Three associations that I know of that offer training courses are the American Electroplaters Society (USA), ASM International (USA), and the Institute of Metal Finishing (U.K.). I don't know for sure, but strongly suspect that the Indian Association of Metal Finishers offers training. Another possibility is Kushner Electroplating School in Sunnyvale, California, USA. Good luck with it.

Ted Mooney,
Ted Mooney, P.E.
Striving to live Aloha - Pine Beach, New Jersey

Q. Please tell me how electroplating works.

Tiffany S [last name deleted for privacy by Editor]
- Waterloo, Canada

A. For a very quick intro, please see our How Electroplating Works" FAQ, Tiffany. It should help. Get back to us if you have additional questions.

Ted Mooney,
Ted Mooney, P.E.
Striving to live Aloha - Pine Beach, New Jersey

Multiple threads merged: please forgive chronology errors :-)

Chrome and nickel plating training institution

Q. I want to learn the art of chrome and nickel plating . where in INDIA can I find an institution or a place for training.if not then nearest India. please suggest. Thank you

I. Jimo
shop employee - Dimapur, Nagaland, India

A. C.E.C.R.I at Karaikudi in Tamil Nadu is a good place to start.

Khozem Vahaanwala
Khozem Vahaanwala
Saify Ind
supporting advertiser
Bengaluru, Karnataka, India
saify logo

A. Metal Finishers' Association Of India Established in 1973 having about 800 members which include almost all supply houses of metal finishing and electroplating process chemicals and Electroplaters, conduct certified course in Electroplating.

t k mohan
T.K. Mohan
plating process supplier - Mumbai, India

A. Dear sir
Small industries service institute conducting courses in metal finishing. In Chennai guindy they are having their institute conducting the course.

p gurumoorthi
P. Gurumoorthi
electroplating process chemicals - Chennai, Tamilnadu, India

Multiple threads merged: please forgive chronology errors :-)

Training on Electroplating Technology

Q. Sir,

I want to learn on Electroplating technology in details. specially Nickel and Chrome.
Please tell me which program of Training school to be attended.

Rajendrakumar R Mudholkar
- Mumbai, Maharashtra & India

A. Hi Rajendrakumar,

CECRI - Karaikudi, is dedicated in Electrochemical Research, they conduct Industry Oriented Training Courses in Electroplating.

Sridhar Bushigampala
- Toronto, Ontario, Canada

Where can I get training in electroplating?

Q. Where can I get the training that is needed to start my own plating business. I am not above working in a shop before getting my own, but in Memphis,Tennessee I haven't been able to locate a single shop. I have had the dream of my own business in plating for at least 4 years but no one to teach me and I know that I can't do it without the proper training.

Please advise


Khouri Mitchell
Hobbyist - Memphis, Tennessee

A. Thanks for visiting, Khouri. I don't know if they have any openings at present, but D&W Plating is located in Memphis, and there may be others. You could also join NASF at and find out where the closest monthly meetings are. They have an annual conference and regional meetings. You can get training from NASF or Kushner Electroplating School. Plus, maybe get an old copy of the Metal Finishing Guidebook and start reading. Good luck!

Ted Mooney,
Ted Mooney, P.E.
Striving to live Aloha - Pine Beach, New Jersey


A. A plating business entails a lot more than just plating per se. Any background in chemistry, environmental compliance, hazardous materials management …?

Lots of EPA-type regulations deal with the location, design and operation of a metal finishing plant. Permits up the kazoo! Maybe attend some workshops listed on the University of Tennessee's Environmental Compliance and Assistance website:

Treated wastewater (by permit, in approved treatment units within approved secondary containment) will have to meet EPA Pretreatment standards for new sources (PSNS) in 40 CFR § 433.17 in order to discharge to the local POTW's sewer:

Cal. State Sacramento offers an online course 'Treatment of Metal Wastestreams' which may be helpful:

Ken Vlach [deceased]
- Goleta, California

contributor of the year honored Ken for his countless carefully researched responses. He passed away May 14, 2015.
Rest in peace, Ken. Thank you for your hard work which the finishing world, and we at, continue to benefit from.

"Nickel and Chromium Plating"
by Dennis & Such
on eBay or


or Amazon

(affil links)

Q. Sir
I am interested in nickel plating. Please help me sir

Bhushan Nikam
plating work - Dhule, Maharashtra, India
August 29, 2011

A. Hi, Bhusan.

That is a very broad topic. I would suggest that you see our "must-have" booklist, and try to obtain a copy of the Metal Finishing Guidebook or Electroplating Engineering Handbook [on AbeBooks or eBay or Amazon affil links] for good introductions to electroplating. Good luck.


Ted Mooney,
Ted Mooney, P.E.
Striving to live Aloha - Pine Beach, New Jersey
August 29, 2011

Fields of study for electroplating

Q. Hello to whoever gets to read this. I have been doing electroplating, electroless plating and other chemical processes for about 8 years now; I really like the plating process but I want to do more than just plating. I would like to know if anybody has any suggestion on what to study to get more into the metal finishing industry. I would like to learn more about the chemistry in plating baths and other chemicals in plating shops.

I wonder if there are any certification or associate degrees related to the metal finishing, from math (which I really think is my weakest area) to the learning of metals? I really would like to know if there are any fields of study related or that has a lot to do with electroplating or chemical processing; I would really appreciate any suggestion or ideas from anybody. English is my second language and a lot of times I have a hard time writing and putting words together -- therefore I apologize if I did not make myself clear and understandable.

Thanks for taking the time to read this and special thanks if you give me any suggestions or ideas. Take care.

Alvaro Gomez
Plating shop employee - United states
March 2, 2015

A. Hi Alvaro
The Institute of Materials Finishing offers distance learning courses on all aspects of metal finishing from elementary to degree level.
There is a link on this page or go to

geoff smith
Geoff Smith
Hampshire, England
March 3, 2015

Ed. note: That URL was not functional when checked on 12/19/21 and again on 2/25/22; it might no longer by functional.

Need Certification of Electroplating Skills

Q. Dear,
I am working in an electroplating shop for 5 years, and have experience in zinc acid, cyanide, nickel and chromium plant, and lab experience -- so I want to get professional electroplating online course. Is there any institute offering it?
Please reply.

waqas khalid
plating shop employee - Karachi,Pakistan
March 5, 2016

A. Hi Waqas.
We appended your inquiry to a thread on the subject, which tells you about many organizations that offer training in electroplating. The American Electroplaters Society offers certification at two levels "Certified Electro-Finisher" and "Master Surface Finisher".

I am reasonably confident that the Metal Finishers' Association of India would offer online training, and certification as well. Sorry, I don't know whether there are such organizations in Pakistan.


Ted Mooney,
Ted Mooney, P.E.
Striving to live Aloha - Pine Beach, New Jersey
March 2016

Q. Hello everybody.
I'm enquiring of a detailed course in your home of electroplating and all other stuff of surface finishing wherever it is.

Please feedback me asap

fahad hashim
- sudan
October 11, 2016

Usually available on eBay; sometimes
on AbeBooks
or Amazon

(affil links) mfg_online
free pdf is currently available from

A. Hello cousin Fahad. The National Association for Surface Finishing ( offers webinars as well as home study courses on various subjects. While you are awaiting the next scheduled one, you can study the Metal Finishing Guidebook.
Good luck.

Ted Mooney, P.E. RET
Striving to live Aloha - Pine Beach, New Jersey
October 2016

A. There is also "Kushner Electroplating School". They offer a correspondence course.

I had the pleasure of having dinner with Art Kushner at a trade dinner some years ago. Knowledgeable as can be, as well as being a great guy.

dave wichern
Dave Wichern
Consultant - The Bronx, New York
October 14, 2016

November 22, 2016

Q. Dear all,

I want a training period in surface finishing scope in a reputable company in Asia or Europe.

fahad hashim
- dubai, UAE

Q. Is there any training centre for plating training in Malaysia or Singapore or countries around here? Thanks.

Brian Gan
- Penang, Malaysia
January 15, 2017

A. Hi Brian. Decades ago I taught a week-long seminar on Electroplating in Singapore. It was produced by SGS International (, and the source of the course materials and instructor (myself) was ASM International ( I don't know if they get involved in electroplating training anymore.

You could also try contacting the American Electroplaters Society (, Kushner Electroplating School (, the Metal Finishers Association of India (, the Institute of Materials Finishing ( and the British Surface Engineering Association (

If you learn anything about such training, please update us!


Ted Mooney, P.E. RET
Striving to live Aloha - Pine Beach, New Jersey
January 2017

Q. Hi, I am Ravi from india, staying in Bangalore please suggest me what is the difference between electroplating and electroforming. I want to learn electroforming. Is there any tutorial in Bangalore?

Ravi Kumar
- Bangalore, Karnataka, India
October 4, 2017

A. Hi Ravi. It's really mostly just a matter of words, but when the electroplated layer comprises the object of interest, we usually call it an electroform.

For example, if hollow gold teardrop earrings are made by plating onto a wax form, then melting away the wax, it's called electroforming; whereas if a thin layer of gold is plated onto sterling silver earrings, it's called electroplating. If gold is plated onto an orchid and made into an earring, most people would probably call it electroforming, but some might call it electroplating depending on whether they think the plating layer or the orchid is the most essential object.

In many cases the plating on electroforms is much thicker than most other electroplating, and this may signal the need for slightly different process chemistry or slower plating rates to combat problems which might not develop with much thinner layers.


Ted Mooney, P.E. RET
Striving to live Aloha - Pine Beach, New Jersey
October 2017

Q. I want to enter the surface coating industry as an entrepreneur to start some surface treatment unit for rust proofing, architectural decorative surface treatments and low cost zinc coatings on fasteners and sheet metal parts with latest technologies available.
My question is - Is there any training courses available to learn about the latest coating technologies, decorative surface treatments and rust proof coatings to learn basic and advanced skills, ifs and buts, cost effectiveness, etc., before I enter the trade and put my investments.

Bhupesh gupta
- Dubai UAE
September 15, 2018

October 18, 2018

Q. Hi, I would like to enter the electroplating industry and am looking at surface treatment process.

I have no background of electroplating or surface treatment. I roughly went through this site and had a look at the suggested books. I would like to ask as a really really new beginner for electroplating, which book should I start with as entry level?

[this on eBay, AbeBooks, Amazon affil links]
I know this handbook is very rare to find and only exist in library

Basic Practical Electroplating, GS Branch of AESF

"Electroplating" [this on eBay , Amazon, AbeBooks affil links] , Frederick A. Lowenheim

Electroplating Engineering Handbook [on AbeBooks or eBay or Amazon affil links] , Lawrence Durney

Thanks in advance

Chih Chian LEI
- Bangkok, Thailand

A. Hi Chih. Personally, unless you are interested in tin plating, which is unfortunately omitted from it, I would start with the Metal Finishing Guidebook.


Ted Mooney, P.E. RET
Striving to live Aloha - Pine Beach, New Jersey
October 2018

Electroplating schools in Chennai?

Q. Whether I have any Study center or colleges In Chennai for Electroplating?

- Chennai, TamilNadu, India
February 18, 2019

Ed. note: This is a very popular topic of discussion, and readers may also be interested in this very similar thread:
Letter 1302.

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