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Ted Mooney, P.E. RET
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Gold Plating Iphones and mobile phones, Q & A's

March 2, 2011

Hi everyone
I am based in the UK and am a retired gentleman who undertakes gold and platinum plating for the local jewelry stores.
I have been asked on many occasions if I could gold plate a mobile phone or ipod or iphone etc which are of a plastic frame.
What are the implications? and is this a good business route to take?
Can you recommend a supplier of all that I will need for my new addition?
Many thanks and best wishes

Chris Grey
electroplating plating shop owner - United Kingdom

March 7, 2011
"Standards and Guidelines for Electroplated Plastics"
by American Society for Electroplated Plastics
on AbeBooks

or eBay or


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A. Hi, Chris.

There are a half-dozen different ways to metallize a non-conductive surface to begin electroplating, and they are explained in our FAQ on "Plating Organic Materials". But, as you may already know, getting good adhesion to the substrate is a principal need in most electroplating . . . and this is best done by etching and activating ABS plastics. If a local or university library has a copy of "Standards and Guidelines for Electroplated Plastics" it will be well worth getting your hands on.
Good luck.

Ted Mooney,
Ted Mooney, P.E.
Striving to live Aloha - Pine Beach, New Jersey

March 8, 2011

A. Hi Chris

Plating on plastics is a large and well established industry but it is not really suitable for home use.

Your problems start by not knowing what type of plastic you are dealing with. The pre-treatment (to get adhesion) is very important and usually includes etching with chromic acid (very nasty). Some plastics are very difficult.

The parts are then coated with electroless copper to provide conductivity (a basically unstable solution)

Take a look at [ed.note: sorry, link is now broken]
to give some idea of the size of the process (5 tanks +) just for this stage.

Then we would electroplate copper and possibly nickel before a hefty thickness of gold to withstand constant handling probably 5 microns.

You also need to understand the chemistry to control it and be able to recover your client's phone case if it goes wrong. Ask your local authority about disposal of hexavalent chrome before rushing into this!

Which may give some idea why you see so few gold plated phones.

geoff smith
Geoff Smith
Hampshire, England

Lacquer for gold plating

Q. Hi, I gold plate iPhones and Blackberry with a brush gold plating machine, but was wondering how can I make the gold plate more durable? Would any of these lacquers be any good for the finish?

thank you

J. Searle
- UK
March 20, 2012

UV Nail Lamp

on Amazon

(affil links)
Magic Glos

on Amazon

(affil links)

A. Hi, J.

Gold plated watches from many decades ago still have their gold plating. Gold does not wear quickly. The primary problem is that the plating that people are applying today is 50 times thinner, and the amount that they want to apply offers no wear resistance and is just barely enough to offer color.

There are countless lacquers and clearcoats. Lacquer is easily removed with thinner and replaced, so it finds wide use. I think a UV-curable clear enamel will offer the greatest hardness, and you can get an inexpensive sample and curing light to try it..

Alternately, a two-component automotive clear coat should be good. Best of luck, and let us know what route you chose and how it worked out.


Ted Mooney,
Ted Mooney, P.E.
Striving to live Aloha - Pine Beach, New Jersey
March 20, 2012

A. Hello J Searle,
I am using a UV curing electro-lacquer over my 24 carat gold plate with excellent results. Would you like more information on this?

mike wildboar
- Birmingham UK
August 7, 2012

thumbs up signHi, Mike. There are hundreds of readers for each poster, so please publicly share any technical (non-commercial) info you can. The combination of electrophoretic application for keeping the film really thin, plus UV curing for maximum hardness sounds great.


Ted Mooney,
Ted Mooney, P.E.
Striving to live Aloha - Pine Beach, New Jersey
August 8, 2012

Multiple threads merged: please forgive chronology errors :-)

Q. Hi Guys n Gals, need some advise from the GURU's ...

1. how do I polish the iphone 4 to be shiny?

2. how to gold plate the back of the iPhone 4.

3. I only have a simple brush plating hobby kit.

best regards

Sathesh Sivabalan
hobbyist... soon to be plating shop - Singapore
February 15, 2011

Gold plating vs. PVD for mobile phone cases

Q. Greetings from Dubai... We engaged in customizing phones mainly iPhone and BlackBerry. We often used gold and gold plated covers to our customized phones, but our perennial problem is in the gold plated items it wears off after only a month or so. We need at least to last our gold plating in one year that covers the customers' warranty. We heard this PVD, is PVD possible to apply on gold plated materials without having problem in color changing of gold plating? Is the PVD comes in transparent color as well? Please if you can help us, would be a gratitude.

Thank you very much, I hope to hear an answer from anyone.

Respectfully yours,

Ronnie Sabaldan
- Dubai, UAE
September 14, 2013

A. Pure gold is soft and a mobile phone sees a lot of wear.
Ask your process supplier for a hard gold alloy and explain the use. This is a well known problem and they have the solution.
Unless you are a very experienced process chemist and willing to spend a lot of time and money on developing a hard gold bath, I would not waste energy on trying to develop your own.
You will still need to plate a significant thickness, say 5 microns. Fortunately most plating baths will plate thicker at the edges of the part which is also probably the area of greatest wear and you can enhance this by careful jigging.

geoff smith
Geoff Smith
Hampshire, England
October 9, 2013

A. Hello,

Regarding the durability issue of the phone cases, wouldn't PVD be much more suited in this case?

Thank you

Seb Guy
- Seoul South Korea
July 1, 2014

thumbs up signHi Seb. Yes, thanks! For those who are interested in mass production, PVD sounds attractive. But it involves a $1-million-plus installation, so it's not highly applicable to onezy-twozy applications.


Ted Mooney,
Ted Mooney, P.E.
Striving to live Aloha - Pine Beach, New Jersey

Can I directly plate my iPhone 5s gold case with 24k gold?

Q. Hello, as with a little reading, I understand that you cannot directly gold plate an aluminum object. But since the iPhone 5s gold already has a low carat gold plating on it, can I directly plate it with 24 carat gold? I think it should work but it being non-24k might make some problems which I'm worried of. Thanks!

Ömer gezer
hobbyist - Turkey
January 13, 2016

Suitable wax or lacquer for gold plated ABS

"Formulation of Organic Coatings"
by Norman I. Gaynes

on AbeBooks

or Amazon

(affil links)
"Formulary of Paints and other Coatings" (1978)
by Michael Ash
on AbeBooks

or eBay or


(affil links)

Q. I have a problem about making a mixture as a wax or lacquer after gold plating on ABS material.

Please guide and help me.

Aida aghili
Industry - Iran
January 26, 2016

A. Hi cousin Aida. Surely you can buy waxes or lacquers rather than having to formulate your own from raw chemicals? The consensus seems to be that UV-cured electrophoretic lacquers are best, but if you do not have an electrocoating setup, it probably is possible to use brass lacquer, or UV-hardening nail lacquer, or a two-component automotive clearcoat. You could also try museum wax, but it's durability would be very limited.

Can you please explain the application? I understand it's for use on gold plated ABS, but that still leaves a lot of room. For example, is this for exterior automotive application (very severe exposure) or for a lighting fixture inside an air conditioned office (mild exposure)? How long do you expect it to last, how thick is the gold plating, etc. Good luck.


Ted Mooney, P.E. RET
Striving to live Aloha - Pine Beach, New Jersey
January 2016

A. It has been my experience using both 2k automotive clear and UV cured Nail polish that transparent base coats are much better retaining an authentic metal look. I use what is called transparent base coat (both 2k and UV cured) which is basically a pigment free base coat; this coat is not glossy but transparent and if painted over a matte surface will remain matte, or if painted over a mirror like surface it will retain a mirror look. I have used this successfully over Copper, Silver and gold without issues at all. The base coat has a better grip over the polished metal surface than glossy clear coats that are meant to go over matte base coats and will often peel off from polished metal surfaces and when they are too glossy will not produce a natural appearance.

Marvin Sevilla
- Managua, Nicaragua
January 27, 2016

thumbs up signThanks Marvin. I did not understand your wisdom immediately, but now I see that by "transparent base coats", you are referring to a paint base what would normally be mixed with a pigment or coloring agent to make an automotive color paint. Thus indeed, this could be formulated to stick to raw metal whereas automotive clear coats are formulated to stick to other paints. This makes a great deal of sense!


Ted Mooney, P.E. RET
Striving to live Aloha - Pine Beach, New Jersey
January 2016

A. You are correct Mr. Mooney. In the automotive coating world these type of colorless base coats are called "Mixing clears". They can be catalyzed (2k hardeners) to make them very durable and also add UV inhibitors. They offer a more realistic or true-to-type metal look than glossy clear coats.

Marvin Sevilla
- Managua, Nicaragua
January 30, 2016


Q. Essentially, I have a gold product. We use a Chinese supplier to plate aluminium iPhone housings with 24 carat gold. The actual manufacturing process is pretty foreign to me however I have received some prototype models and found that the gold looks fantastic... for the first 10 minutes. After that, it picks up scratches and smudges extremely easily which is incredibly undesirable.

Is there a type of lacquer I would be able to apply (or commission someone to apply) to my product that would prevent scratching and smudging but wouldn't detract from both the look and shine of the product and also the functionality (e.g. being able to screw components into the metal housing). It may be that we only lacquerise one side of the product (the visible and exposed side), but I don't know how that works.

Any help would be gratefully appreciated!


Max Shepley
Designer/Company Owner - Kent, England
November 14, 2016

A. Hi Max,
Sure, apply a lacquer but only on the exposed areas and specify hard gold. What is the specified Au thickness?

blake kneedler
Blake Kneedler
Feather Hollow Eng. - Stockton, California
January 1, 2017

Ed. note: Letter 30273, "Lacquer for gold plating", addresses very similar issues.

Q. Greetings,

My question is how to gold plate an iPhone? I tried but the circuit didn't connect?

Dani tami
- Chandler Arizona
July 31, 2017

Usually available on eBay; sometimes
on AbeBooks
or Amazon

(affil links) mfg_online
free pdf is currently available from

A. Hi Dani. That question is probably going to be too broad for a direct response. Please thumb through a couple of the applicable chapters in the Metal Finishing Guidebook, then you'll be able to ask a question which people will hopefully be able to answer. Good luck.


Ted Mooney, P.E. RET
Striving to live Aloha - Pine Beach, New Jersey
July 2017

Rose Gold Plating Solution
on eBay or


(affil links)

Q. Greeting,
I know it was not a detailed question! sorry for that! I bought the gold plating kit. It worked with me on Chrome and stainless steel. However, I try to apply the same process to an iPhone 5s. I did not get any action. I only lose my solutions. I thought maybe the electric current does not flow through the Iphone right! (it could be one reason). So, I am wanting to get an answer from anyone has a background about plating an iPhone. Thank you all!

Dani Tami [returning]
- Chandler Arizona
August 1, 2017

A. Hi again. The 5S iPhone is built of anodized aluminum. You are right, electricity will not flow through anodized aluminum. You have to properly strip the anodized aluminum. Then you have to properly pretreat the aluminum, and properly zincate it. Then you must preplate it with a metal, and from a solution, which is compatible with zincate. Then you need to nickel plate it. Then you can gold plate it. Good luck.


Ted Mooney, P.E. RET
Striving to live Aloha - Pine Beach, New Jersey
July 2017

Gold Plating Fading Issues

Rose Gold Plating Solution
on eBay or


(affil links)

Q. Hi, we are Dubai based Telecom company. We provide the customization services of different renowned mobile phone brands especially Apple IPhone. We are providing 22K Gold Plating services as well. The gold plating includes hard gold, flash gold, rose gold, black rhodium [adv: black rhodium plating solution on eBay or Amazon [affil links] and palladium plating. As we are doing the gold plating on mobile phones, so the substrate material is Aluminum wrought alloys (99% Al) and Aluminum alloy 7xxx (Al=92-93%, Zn=5-6% and Mg=1-2%).

We are removing the original Apple anodizing and then doing Ni as an undercoat through Zincating. Then, we are doing the required Gold color. The process is qualified through Lab scale simulations tests including Artificial Sweat Corrosion test (ISO 3160-1, ISO 3160-2), Durability with fading test ASTM D4213, Acetone Exposure for 500 cycles, Cross cut Adhesion test ISO 2409 and Pencil Hardness test (Manual) and thickness qualification through XRF Spectroscopy techniques.

Yet, we are facing a fading issue; many customers are even returning units even after a few weeks of use. Although we are putting around 1 µm (Micron) hard gold (Au-Co alloy) with gold anti tarnish of German origin. We have tried different acrylic based lacquers, Nano ceramic protections, Nano polymeric protections, Nano hybrid protections and electrophoretic protection as well. All have different nature problems associated with them and in their individual workmanship. So in total nothing is working for us so for.

Kindly suggest something that can protect the gold plating for at least one year and does not fade. Moreover, it should not change the metal feel of the gold plating and should have no orange peel or yellowing effects. We can share further details if required.

Muhammad Yasir Faraz
In Charge Plating - Dubai, UAE
November 2, 2017

A. Hi Muhammad,

You may either increase gold plating thickness follow by pore blocker treatment (a chemical post treatment that block any gold porosity after plating that may expose underlying nickel in microscopic) or consider PVD (physical vapor deposition) which could be more durable in long run.


David Shiu
David Shiu
- Singapore
November 7, 2017

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