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Ted Mooney, P.E. RET

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for Metal Finishing 1989-2025

Surface Preparation of Molybdenum for Ni Plating
Q. How do you pre-treat molly for plating?
January 8, 2025
9th Edition, Vol. 5
"Surface Cleaning, Finishing & Coating"

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A. Hi Maria,
Despite the title of the thread, most of the previous responders did not actually answer it, probably considering their methods to be trade secrets; but Peter Mcguire offered that he deals with it with a chromic acid electropolish followed by a flash of chrome plating.
Volume 5 of the 9th Edition of ASM's Metals Handbook has a good discussion and detail on several alternatives to pretreating molybdenum for plating, but it does echo Peter's suggestion that after you get it activated via whichever method, a flash of chrome should be the first plating step.
Luck & Regards,
Ted Mooney, P.E. RET
Striving to live Aloha
finishing.com - Pine Beach, New Jersey
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Q. My plater states molybdenum can only be Ni plated if the material's surface is first mechanically distressed by bead blasting. I have found that in doing so residual stresses are imparted into the surface. In the parts I'm processing these stresses result in warpage of the material when it is subjected to temperatures in the 400 degree F range.
Can molybdenum be plated without the use of mechanical etching or other stress inducing surface preparations? If so, can you tell me who I can contact that plates moly in this fashion?
Gary Murdock- Syracuse, New York, USA
A. Dear Gary,
After sharing this with my technical support department, there is a very strong possibility this can be achieved. Commonly, platers will treat this metal with some form of etching for adhesion purposes, however, to avoid contaminants in the Ni some sort of cleaning must be done on the surface.
Donna Nowakplating shop - Cleveland, Ohio USA
A. Gary,
We've been Nickel plating Moly, Mo/Cu and W/Cu for years without the need to mechanically beadblast.
Steve Chatfieldplating shop - Attleboro, Massachusetts
A. I work with molly every day and everything molly I run gets a chrome acid electro polish and should get a chrome flash.
Peter Mcguire- auburn New Hampshire
June 22, 2013
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