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Remove film from windshield with Jewelers rouge paste

I have some kind of film on my windscreen of my car. I was told that if I use jewelers rouge this on eBay or Amazon [affil links] paste it will remove this film from my windscreen. Can anyone confirm this ?


Mark Hussey
- Bahamas

I've heard of using a spot of jeweler's rouge to remove a scratch from glass, but I've never heard of spreading it all over a windshield. Maybe that "film" you're suffering from is damage to the glass caused by a previous owner who heard of this approach :-)

Ted Mooney,
Ted Mooney, P.E.
Striving to live Aloha - Pine Beach, New Jersey

We have the exact same windshield problem as Mark. It was apparently caused by someone running the wipers while there was dirt/sand/grit under the wiper blades. Most likely dirt mixed with water from a wet road, cast up on the windshield by the tires of the vehicle(s) just ahead. I have been doing web searches on jeweler's rouge as I have seen it suggested on several finishing/polishing-related sites, and am trying to find where I can buy it locally.

An interesting thing I learned in my researches: jewelers caution against using any product calling itself "jeweler's rouge" which is white or green (and I have seen such advertised for sale on some sites). They advise it is ALWAYS red (hence the "rouge" name...), from the ferrous oxide it contains.

Vicki Samartino
- Miami, Florida

Ed. note: Just as sandpaper comes in varying grits or grades, and you wouldn't try to finish off fine furniture with a floor sander, so it is with buffing abrasives. Other abrasives are not inferior to red rouge, they are for different purposes and are coarser or finer than jeweler's rouge this on eBay or Amazon [affil links]

I have a chrome wheel, with degreaser stains on them, would that red jewelers rouge this on eBay or Amazon [affil links] work with a buffing wheel? nothing else has worked so I'm trying anything.

Jake Kierblewski
- Little Ferry, New Jersey

At the web site "" is a Glass Scratch Remover Paste recipe: 2 tablespoons glycerin (buy at drugstore), 2 tablespoons jeweler's rouge, and 2 tablespoons water. Make paste, dab on clean cloth and rub scratched areas. If deep scratch, repeat as necessary.

Louis Redd
- Lynchburg, Virginia

I have had great results in the past using a jeweler's rouge paste to take nasty scratches out of windshields on classic cars. Even when used in direct line of vision, no distortion or haze was left. I am going to start using it again in my detailing business to repair marks left from worn wiper blades.

Mike Pung
detailing- Charlotte, Michigan
April 2, 2009

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