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Metal Finishing November 2005 magazine review
Todd Osmolski
Charlotte NC USA

Cover: Waste outfall into a creek with foam running a 1/4 mile down stream.My vote for the cover would have been for a clean stream with brook trout and children swimming. That picture is a negative representation of the finishing industry.

Table of contents: I see that photo on the cover is not of an outfall from a finishing shop but a random AP photo. Metal Finishing magazine has seen fit to put some other industries waste on its cover.

Editorial Page: Consolidation of AESF, NAMF, MFSA. The editor says its good for me.

Page 4: Letters to the editor. A letter about consolidation and how the AESF NAMF and MFSA spent the toughest time in the history of the finishing industry busy fighting each other.

Page 5: News and Briefs. B.J. Mason testifies before a government committee on behalf of three industry trade associations. That's the stuff I like to hear!

Bad news on the bottom of page 5. A plating shop goes out of business and NAMF has to find a new president because of the plant closing.

Page 6: More news briefs. Chrome replacement press release uses the words carcinogenic, toxic and cancer in relation to chrome six times in the press release. Does Metal Finishing Magazine not care what people put into the press releases they reprint?

Page 8/9/10/11/12: More AESF/NAMF/MFSA stuff!?

The last 52 pages of the magazine are pretty good though.

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