OLAS logo Letter #

November 13, 2014

Hi all!...
My stuff got hacked and made me so mad I don't get on much anymore....I lost sooo much as in alot of your addresses...Please send me them again. I am fine. Hope you are all well too. It's snowing here now! Miss and love you all!, Patty

Patty Walsh Robinson, Class of 1973
e-mail: paw388@aol.com

November 25, 2014

Thanks Ted for the welcome back!.. We really have to meet up soon....You want to do it in Seaside or somewhere else? I am open for anywhere. I want to wish everyone a Happy Thanksgiving!!!..I am going to my sister Carol's house.Make my award winning Deviled Eggs and spinach dip..Hope you all have a wonderful time with friends and family.GOD BLESS, Patty

Patty Walsh Robinson, Class of 1973
e-mail: paw388@aol.com

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