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September 26, 2009

Hey all..Do you remember how we got flyers from "Lenny Lenape" telling us it was "Clean-Up week!..LOL!.....I remember everyone going through each others garbage and bringing it Home!...Patty

Patty - Walsh - Robinson, Class of 1973
e-mail: federicolady@hotmail.com

October 6, 2009

I don't remember the Lenny Lenape theme, but I do remember clean up week very well. Thanks for the memory. When I was old enough to drive, some friends and I rode around collecting stuff and made a "fully furnished" living room on the island at the corner of Renshaw and No. Arlington, with a rug, sofa and chairs, coffee table, TV, fans, end tables, radio, floor lamps, knick-knack shelf with knick-knacks, etc. that we collected. Unfortunately, no electricity, so the lamps didn't light :-(

Clean up week was a lot of fun.

Ted Mooney, Class of 1959
e-mail: mooney@finishing.com

October 10, 2009

LOL!..How cool..I know exactly where you mean!..Patty

Patty Walsh-Robinson, Class of 1973
e-mail: federicolady@hotmail.com

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